Navy Microsoft Hup Program Code' title='Navy Microsoft Hup Program Code' />Discounts Deals 4 Military Military Discount. Did you know that Military can download 2. Microsoft Office Professional Plus for 9. This is a steal of a deal. Navy Microsoft Hup Program Code' title='Navy Microsoft Hup Program Code' />156907 10995 governo 66938 pas 64202 presidente 58923 r 58558 pessoa 5699 tempo 56098 empresa 52413 ms 46288 parte 43780 caso. Normally it costs 3. You can use the download link on two computers also, which makes the final price like 5 per computer. Here are 8 easy steps for the Military Discount on Microsoft Office. Enter your military email address. For example mail. Your email must be in the following format John. Doenavy. mil, Jane. Doeusmc. mil, etc. If you are a veteran and dont have a military email. Microsoft Store for Military. Enter the program codes below Updated November 1. If that doesnt work than try NOT entering any code. Some people have had success entering NO code. Armyenter the code 4. C0. 70. 7F1. 1Air Force. New code for 2. 01. Air Force members 4. A8. 2EF7. B8. FIf you are AIR FORCE. I tried with the code first, then without the code. Navy. This code should work for Navy 4. C0. 70. 7F1. 1or 2. FCF4. 42. D2 or 1. Enter the program codes below Updated November 19, 2016 If that doesnt work than try NOT entering any code. Some people have had success entering NO code. Even more Account Options. Sign in Search settings. The latest PC gaming hardware news, plus expert, trustworthy and unbiased buying guides. Linux System Administration and Configuration After installation, Linux requires configuration and systems administration. Corporate systems need monitoring, backups. DCD3. 11. 5ERead our new post specifically for Navy Members Click Here. For Non NGEN USMC users use program code 4. C0. 70. 7F1. 1For NGEN USMC users use program code or 1. DCD3. 11. 5EThe code 6. F2. F2. 49. 1D also has been reported to be successful as well. Remember try entering your email address without any code FIRST4 They will then send you an email that contains a link to download the software. GREAT TIP from comments below Make sure to use your work. PC. I have done it for both my Mac and Windows 8. Click on the link inside the email. GREAT TIP from comments below Make sure to use your work. PC. I have done it for both my Mac and Windows 8. It will bring you to the page below. Proceed with the checkout and click install. YOURE DONE takes about 5 minutes. Please comment below your Military branch and if it worked for you. If it didnt work for you give us more details then just the code didnt work. Tell us your branch, status, email address, and details like you didnt get the email, or it wouldnt accept my military address, etc. If you are a veteran and dont have a military email then you can still get a discounted 1 year price 6. Microsoft Store for Military. Right now they are giving an extra 1. If you LIKE what youve read, LIKE us on Facebook for more awesome Military DiscountsMilitary. CACs Home Use Program Information. The Microsoft Home Use Program HUP enables. Army Soldiers, Civilians, and Contractors the authorization to. Microsoft Office 2. PLEASE READ information. Office 2. 01. 6 is. NOT compatible with Windows Vista, XP, or Mac OS X. Your computer MUST have Windows 1. Mac OS Sierra 1. OS X El Capitan 1. OS X. Yosemite 1. NEW. INFORMATIONThe latest contract award changed the process where is requires. Army personnel. Go to. StaticMSLicenses. NOTE You will need to login to your CHESS account, if. Once youve signed up for an account, click this link. StaticMSLicenses again. Scroll down the. Home Use Program HUP Benefit. Program code, and have it ready when going to the. Select United States if not already entered, then enter your official Do. D. Enterprise Email address. Your. work email field and click Submit Paste enter the program code you copied above into the Enter. Submit. With active hyperlinks in. You need to carefully highlight the web address. US, copy it, then paste it into. The rest of the process should be self explanatory. Windows Users. Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2. Windows 1. 0, 8. 1, 8, and 7 and will cost 9. This version includes Word, Excel, Power. Point, Outlook, One. Note. Access, Publisher, and Skype for Business. This is a. ONE 1 Windows computer you are only authorized to purchase one. If you need more than one 1 copy or have more than one computer, consider. Office 3. 65 from one of the links below. Office. 3. 65 will allow installation on up to Five. Macs. Mac Users. Sega Ages 2500 Games Free there. Microsoft Office mac Home Business 2. Mac OS Sierra 1. OS X El Capitan 1. OS X Yosemite 1. This version includes Word, Excel, Power. Point, Outlook. and One. Note. Microsoft. Quick Start Guide for Office 2. Free Microsoft Office online training from Microsoft. Navy Marine Corps Home Use. Program Information. Options for personnel who for the Home Use Programs above. Purchase Office 3. Home Premium. Annual subscription. Office 3. 65 is NOT compatible with Windows Vista. Windows. It is also not compatible with Mac OS X 1. You MUST HAVE Windows 1. Mac OS Sierra 1. OS X El. Capitan 1. OS X Yosemite 1. Office 3. 65 University for 7. Alumni of these institutions are. Qualified, accredited higher education. Universities, Polytechnic schools, and Institutes of. Technology, as well as other tertiary level institutions, such as colleges. Restrictions vary by country. Find out if your eligible. This version of Office 3. The PC. includes Word, Excel, Power. Point, One. Note, Outlook. Publisher, Access. The Mac version includes Word, Excel, Power. Point. One. Note and Outlook. Both versions include 1 TB Terabyte of One. Drive cloud storage. Skype minutes of calling per month to mobile phones and landlines. Compatible only with Windows 7 and newer. PCs, or Mac OS X 1. Mac computers. If you want or need Windows 1. Microsoft Military Deals. Various. hardware and software discounts.