Booter Chat Program Room

Booter Chat Program Room

Antique Firearms Restoration Blog and C1. IMPORTANT NOTICEThis site contains details of what I do it does not mean that it is safe or legal for you to do the same, and I accept no responsibility if you do. You are responsible for ensuring that what you do is within your capabilities and is safe and legal in your country. Guns, even antiques, can be dangerous and if you dont know what you are doing get expert help. Many antique guns are of historic andor financial value, and its your responsibility to find out if what you want to do will damage their value. Juventus Olympiacos. Keyshot Keygen Machine. JuventusOlympiacos 20, i bianconeri ritrovano il miglior HiguainChampions, JuventusOlympiacos 20 Higuain entra e segna, poi. Remember, leaving them as they are wont diminish their value  but inappropriate repair might well make them worth less, maybe much less If in doubt dont do it. I assume he is holding the sling out of the way with his left handBooter Chat Program RoomEzakial Bakers Practice etc. Find your way around There is a MENU of PAGES  used for fixed items along the top of the screen. All the regular POSTS are in the HOME page use the menus on the right to jump to whichever POST  you want, or the MENU below the header  will show you POSTS that are relevant to the given subject  and the top menu on the right will keep you up to date with changesWelcome to my site youll find this post is a sort of diary where I put things Im doing that are almost relevant to the subject they fall off the bottom after a few weeks bits from the diary may get put into existing or new posts when they fall off. Please feel free to contact me via the comments box in each post or by my email as per the CONTACT tab at the top. If I can I will  respond email will usually get a quicker response. I am fond of obscure English sayings which are marked you can look them up on Google if you  need to interpret them. PHOTOGRAPHS   Most of the photos on this website are mine, a few are from other sources or are photographed from books. My photos are copyright you are welcome to use them for your own purposes, but not for gain please always attribute them to cablesfarm. All my photos have been reduced in resolution using photoscape excellent free to save space on the website, they are normally 1. The image you will normally see on your screen is at a lower resolution still, as wordpress fits it to the page and decreases the resolution very considerably to speed up loading. Clicking on any photo will show you the full  1. All the photos were originally taken at much higher resolution up to 6. I can forward  full resolution copies. For serious research publications I am happy to take new photos of guns I have access to. If you right click save image from the normal web page you will get an image of for the J LANG 1. KBytes, if you left click on the image and download from the larger image that comes up on a blank screen youll get about 5. KBytes, which is what I uploaded to the website    if I send you the original cropped image it is 8. MBytes  with a horizontal count of 5. So now you know why the photos in the normal view look a bit murky Just click on them for a better photo. DIARY  2nd October Busy today wreaking havoc in the kitchen of Giless flat Forza Horizon 2 ,. Here is a rather ratty New Land pattern pistol with Birmingham proof marks on the barrel and a safety catch I havent seen before which is not surprising as I. The units are on the way out, the tiles gone and the wiring has been carefully removed from the unsightly trunking running in sight, and will be put back in trunking behind the units where it cant be seen In my books that doesnt count as rewiring, merely slightly re arranging the existing wiring. I will get it checked when we have finished and I will consult the latest IEE regs as my understanding may be a bit out of date. All the wiring is in red and black T E so is somewhat dated, but looks perfectly good. I tried to buy some special plaster for skimming all surfaces but found that no one stocked it so Ill have to use a P. V. A. layer to cut the absorption and use Multifinish. I think we are making progress on ordering things we ordered two   3 meter x 6. Kg and they wont fit in the lift anyway we have got the supplier to cut each into the bits we want, so the largest is 5. Kg and will fit in the lift. It is a bit of a pain working on the forth floor and at the opposite end of the building to the lift We also have reasonable quote for replacing the windows I didnt much like the quote for 3. UPVC windows that you can buy for about 2. V. A. T. I would fit them myself but we are pushed for time and cant get at the outside so the windowns have to be installed from the inside this way someone else carries them up 4 flights and takes the old ones away We have 3 old storage heaters to dispose of Im tempted to throw the bricks out of the window, or more responsibly, lower them on a rope. Anyway as you might guess, no time for starting the pistol yet, although I might just nip into the workshop for half an hour tonight. Fuzzy photo of partially destroyed kitchen. October Here is the promised photo of the Hawkes and Mosley pistol I have to restore,  the main obvious issues are the crack in the cock and the replacement cock screw. The lock appears to have been painted with silver paint, which is mostly removed but the residue may be hiding secrets At the moment it looks original, although the spur on the cock looks a bit short There are some nasty marks in the woodwork opposite the lock, and a few stains. The barrel is not too bad, but needs a little attention before re browning. The action works well. Ill show it to Dick and we can have a good look at it together. The lock needs paint stripper and then de rusting and the cock welded and the cock screw replaced. Getting rid of  the finish on the wood and steaming it will reveal how deep the marks are. I have started a new post for it, Hawkes Mosley,  with the original photos. Three of us spent the day at  Giless flat finishing the preliminary clean so we can see what we are dealing with Some of the details need sorting, and Im trying to understand the wiring. It looks as if a foam cornice was put round the ceiling edge then the flat was completely re wired in surface mounted trunking including trunking skirting boards, and then a new floor was laid in the living room, butted up to the skirting, then a strip of coving glued on to cover the joint between floor and skirting. I now need to replace the trunking skirting as I want to skim the walls, and cant get more sockets to fit that trunking. All a bit involved the existing arrangement looks a bit of a mess, as does a lot of the plastic trunking I dont want to rewire the flat, but I think a bit of re arrangement of the trunking is going to be essential to improve the look of the place. See post Hanover Court. Giles removing the foam cornice. Elegant wiring in surface trunking September Back from the AML shoot where I exercised my Twigg single 1. Its the first time Ive shot flintlock in a scored AML shoot, and Ive only ever hit a couple of clays with one, so I wasnt expecting muchI didnt hit any for the first half dozen shots, and I made what for me is a capital mistake, which is to try too hard and shoot gun up   gun in the shoulder ready to pull the trigger as soon as its aiming properly the extra thinking time  just spoils the flow for me, although about half of the group shoot this way, or at least nearly up. About half way through I had hit a couple of clays and began to think positively and reverted to gun down where you dont mount the gun until beginning your swing. At that point I got a bit more relaxed and hit a few more. The clays were not easy for flintlocks, which are more difficult to get kills with than percussion, which in turn are more difficult than breech loaders, but I did manage 1. I think I may stick with the flintlock for a while as its more fun. I managed most of the shoot on an old flint that looked so bad that I got teased about it it carried on working for a good few shots before bits cracked off and I had to replace it. Kotaku. Those who prefer Total Wars historical games to its Warhammer outing should keep an eye on Total War Saga, a new series of standalone spin off titles focusing on exciting pivotal moments in history.

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