Comunicacin oral y formas rudimentariaseditarLas seales gestuales fueron la primera forma de expresar y transmitir mensajes. La palabra hablada es la manera ms antigua de contar historias. Mediante frmulas de valor mnemotcnico2 se estructuraban narraciones, que pasaban de generacin en generacin como valiosa herencia cultural de los ms diversos grupos humanos. Dichas reglas mnemotcnicas ayudaban tanto a la memorizacin como a la difusin de los relatos. Es el caso de los poemas homricos, que han merecido valiosos estudios sobre el particular. Posiblemente, gran parte de las tradiciones y leyendas han tenido semejante inicio. Esta transmisin oral tena el inconveniente de los ruidos que deformaban el mensaje. La mayora de las veces era el narrador rapsoda, aeda, juglar quien en funcin de sus intereses la deformaba de una u otra forma. La escrituraeditarCuando los sistemas de escritura fueron inventados en las antiguas civilizaciones, el hombre utiliz diversos soportes de escritura tablillas de arcilla, ostracon, placas de hueso o marfil, tablas de madera, papiros, tablillas enceradas, planchas de plomo, pieles curtidas, etc. La escritura fue el resultado de un proceso lento de evolucin con diversos pasos imgenes que reproducan objetos cotidianos pictografa representacin mediante smbolos ideografa y la reproduccin de slabas y letras. Los ms antiguos vestigios de escritura se encuentran, hacia finales del IV milenio a. C., en el Antiguo Egipto, con jeroglficos, y la antigua Mesopotamia, mediante signos cuneiformes escritura cuneiforme utilizaban una varilla con seccin triangular, que al hendir en placas de arcilla, dejaba una marca en forma de cua. La usaron los sumerios, acadios, asirios, hititas, persas, babilonios etc. La escritura egipcia, que perdur ms de tres milenios, mediante jeroglficos, representaba ideas abstractas, objetos, palabras, slabas, letras y nmeros. Evolucion en las escrituras hiertica y demtica. Otros pueblos, como los hititas y los aztecas tambin tuvieron tipos propios de escritura. La escritura china ms antigua que se conoce son 5. C. en el yacimiento de Xiaotun, en la provincia de Henan. Pero los primeros libros reconocibles de China corresponden al siglo VI a. C., los jiance o jiandu, rollos de finas tiras de bamb o madera grabados con tinta indeleble y atados con cordel. Estos textos servan principalmente a causas institucionales, era la obra de funcionarios civiles o militares. Desde Confucio en adelante 5. C. los libros se convirtieron en importantes instrumentos de aprendizaje, se escribieron tratados de filosofa, medicina, astronoma y cartografa. En el perodo de los reinos combatientes 4. C. La seda se us mucho como soporte para escribir. La tela era ligera, resistente al clima hmedo, absorba bien la tinta y proporcionaba al texto un fondo blanco, sin embargo era mucho ms cara que el bamb, es por esto que en ocasiones se haca una copia en bamb antes de grabarse en seda los textos importantes. La invencin del papel segn la tradicin china, se atribuye a un eunuco de la corte imperial llamado Cai Lin en el 1. C. Usando nuevos ingredientes trapos viejos, camo, corteza de rbol y redes de pescar cre un mtodo de fabricacin de papel muy similar al que se usa hoy en da. Pero el papel tard cientos de aos en reemplazar al bamb y la seda, fue hasta finales del siglo II d. C. que la corte imperial lo us en cantidades importantes. Esta innovacin no se propag fuera de China hasta el 6. C. aproximadamente, y alcanz Europa a travs de Espaa hasta el siglo XII. A mediados del siglo VIII los chinos inventaron la impresin xilogrfica, o el grabado en madera, y la necesidad de reproducir un gran nmero de textos e imgenes budistas, calendarios, manuales de adivinacin y diccionarios promovi una rpida y temprana propagacin de la xilografa. El primer libro impreso chino que se ha encontrado es el Sutra del diamante del 8. C. Los impresores chinos crearon los tipos mviles hacia el siglo XI, el escritor chino Chen Kua 1. Mengshi Pitan, segn el escritor el herrero Jen. Tsung de la dinasta de los Song del norte entre 1. Tambin se le atribuye la creacin de una mesa giratoria para guardar los caracteres, esta tcnica se llamaba tipografa tablearia. Hacia el 1. 30. 0 Wang Tcheng, un tcnico agrnomo, emplaz la arcilla por madera de azufaifo, que era mucho ms dura. Pero este avance no revolucion la imprenta hasta el punto que lo hizo Gutenberg en Europa 4. A diferencia de las lenguas europeas, el chino escrito requiere miles de caracteres nicos, lo que hace mucho ms eficaz los bloques de madera individuales que los enormes conjuntos de tipos reutilizables. En contraste con el declive de las artes de los escribas en occidente en los siglos que siguieron a la creacin de la imprenta de tipos mviles, la caligrafa china conserv su prestigio, era un arte. No obstante, a finales del siglo XV, China haba producido ms libros que el resto del mundo junto. Los rabes aprendieron la tcnica para fabricar papel de sus contactos con China en el siglo VIII, y este se introdujo en Europa en el siglo XII a travs de la Espaa musulmana. La obra xilogrfica ms antigua encontrada hasta nuestros das es el Dharani Sutra de Corea, datado en el 7. C., aunque no se sabe quin fue el inventor de la xilografa los chinos y coreanos fueron los que impulsaron la impresin xilogrfica, principalmente para editar textos religiosos. El budismo chino y coreano fue el vehculo que trasmiti la xilografa a Japn. Pero Corea realiz muchos otros avances que revolucionaron la manera de imprimir y en consecuencia el libro. Entre 1. 23. 4 y 1. Adiemus albums Wikipedia. Adiemus is a series of vocalise style albums by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins. It is also the title of the opening track called Adiemus on the first album in the series, Songs of Sanctuary. ConcepteditEach Adiemus album is a collection of song length pieces featuring harmonisedvocalmelody against an orchestra background. There are no lyrics as such, instead the vocalists sing syllables and words invented by Jenkins. However, rather than creating musical interest from patterns of phonemes as in scat singing, or in numerous classical and crossover compositions, the language of Adiemus is carefully stylised so as not to distract the listeners attention from the pitch and timbre of the voice. Syllables rarely end in consonants, for example. In this respect it is similar to Japanese and several other languages. The core concept of Adiemus is that the voice should be allowed to function as nothing more than an instrument, an approach that was a trend in some New Age and World Music choral writing in the mid to late 1. Vangeliss score for the film 1. Conquest of Paradise 1. Dogora, a symphonic suite by French composer tienne Perruchon. The word adiemus itself resembles the Latin word adeamus meaning let us approach or let us submit a cause to a referee,1 or, is sometimes regarded as the future tense of the same verb, meaning we will approach or we will take possession. Jenkins has said he was unaware of this. The song title also resembles two forms of the Latin verb audire to hear audiemus we shall hear and audiamus let us hear. Instrumentation and performerseditScoring for Songs of Sanctuaryrecorder, 8 percussion, 4 tom toms, congas, cymbals, claves, floor tom, bass drum, mark tree, bass bell in C, cabassa, wood block, triangle, strings. Scoring for Cantata Mundi. English horn, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 6 horns, 3 trumpets, 4 trombones, tuba, timpani, claves, cowbell, giro, 2 cabacas, triangle, chenchen, Egyptian tabla, doholla, tom tom, cymbals, chekere, xylophone, glockenspiel, bass marimba, bongos, rek, udu pot, tablas, sticks, pandeiro, timbales, surdo, bass drum, tamtam, suspended cymbals, tambourine, recorder, strings featuring on album are also the violin, electro acoustic percussion and gemshornScoring for Dances of Time. Scoring for The Eternal Knotrecorder, accordion, percussion, harp, strings on album also the acoustic guitar, Uilleann pipesScoring for Vocalisefor voices and orchestra. Session singer. Miriam Stockley performed the vocal parts on the first four albums. Stockley was described by Jenkins as central to the Adiemus project due to her range and intonation however, she was not re engaged for Vocalise. Additional vocals were provided by Mary Carewe on all but Dances of Time, which saw the introduction of the Finnish Adiemus Singers who would later appear on Vocalise. Extra vocals and the chorus effects were created by overdubbingmultitracked recordings of the singers in some cases up to 4. The Songs of Sanctuary orchestra consisted of a string section augmented by various ethnic percussion instruments, with occasional further additions such as bells, a recorder and a quena. Mike Ratledge, with whom Jenkins had played in Soft Machine, contributed to the first album as well. Jenkins added brass and woodwind for Cantata Mundi, and continued to add more diverse instruments such as acoustic guitar on later albums. From Songs of Sanctuary to Dances of Time, the London Philharmonic Orchestra was used Jenkins later formed his own Adiemus Orchestra to perform on The Eternal Knot recordings, returning to the London Philharmonic for Vocalise. SingerseditAdiemus Songs of SanctuaryeditSee Adiemus Songs of Sanctuary. Adiemus II Cantata MundieditReleased in 1. Adiemus Songs of Sanctuary, Jenkins broadens his musical approach to Cantata Mundi by including instrumentation and techniques from Eastern Europe, Arabia, and Asia. Compared to the earlier work, the orchestra is also expanded to include woodwinds and brass. The overall form of this album is a cantata of fourteen movements alternating between longer cantus pieces and brief chorales. Track listingedit1. Cantus Song of Tears 9 0. Chorale I Za Ma Ba 1 5. Cantus Song of the Spirit 6 0. Chorale II Roosh Ka Ma 1 5. Cantus Song of the Trinity 6 1. Chorale III Vocalise 2 2. Cantus Song of the Odyssey 7 2. Chorale IV Alame Oo Ya 2 5. Cantus Song of the Plains 1. Chorale V Arama Ivi 1 2. Cantus Song of Invocation 8 4. Chorale VI Sol Fa1. Cantus Song of Aeolus 5 4. Chorale VII A Ma Ka Ma 1 1. Bonus Track Cantilena 3 2. Bonus Track Elegia 4 0. The double numbering scheme is as indicated on the album. PersonneleditAlternative versionseditSeveral releases, including the United States release, of Cantata Mundi feature two bonus tracks, Cantilena and Elegia, which are early musical sketches composed by Jenkins in preparation for this album. As is common with Adiemus albums, the cover art of releases in certain regions may be different. The cover of the United States release features a silhouetted persons reminiscent of the cover art for Adiemus Songs of Sanctuary in that region as well as the cover for Diamond Music. European releases depict an insect hive in various shades of reds and yellows within an abstracted mechanical clock. A special edition release in Europe shows a winged figure ascending into the sky. Other releases use dolphins which are characteristic of Adiemus albums in some markets. Adiemus III Dances of TimeeditReleased in 1. As such, most tracks are composed in a traditional style of dance, including meter. In addition to the multitracked vocals used in the previous Adiemus recordings, Jenkins introduces the Finnish. Adiemus Singers to perform the chorus to Miriam Stockleys lead. Track listingeditCorrente Courante 5 0. Un Bolero Azul Blue. Bolero 8 3. 5La La La Koora Lndler 3 2. Dawn Dancing 3 1. Kaya Kakooya Rumba 4 3. Intrada Pavan 7 2. Minuet 1 2. 4Rain Dance 4 3. African. Tango 8 0. Zarabanda Sarabande 4 3. Ein Wiener Walzer A Viennese Waltz 4 5. Hymn to the Dance 3 5. Dos a Dos Square dance 4 1. Tango 5 5. 1Alternate versionseditThe final track Tango is an edited version of the track African Tango and is only available on some releases. A Japanese special edition release includes a second disc featuring Beyond the Century Makare Maka 4 5. Elegia 4 0. 5 from some releases of Adiemus II Cantata Mundi, Hymn 2 3. Adiemus Songs of Sanctuary, and an edited version of Corrente 4 2. As is common with Adiemus albums, the cover art of releases in certain regions may be different. PersonneleditAdiemus Performer. David Buckland Photography. Martin Giles Mastering. Nick Harris The Soundbarriers Assistant Engineer. Helen Hodkinson Executive Producer, Associate Producer. Jody Jenkins Electric Drums. Karl Jenkins Composer, Conductor, Producer, Orchestration. Dick Lewzey Engineer. London Philharmonic Orchestra. Matt Marshall Executive Producer. Russell Mills Artwork, Design. Duncan Riddell Orchestra Leader. Sde Rissanen Vocals. Sheila Rock Photography. Mia Simanainen Vocals. Miriam Stockley Vocals. Nina Tapio Vocals. Pamela Thorby Recorder, Gemshorn. Riikka Vyrynen Vocals. Michael Webster Design AssistantZarabanda, which is number 1. Pure Moods II. Some numbers were used in a ballet sequence at the end of the film Dying to Dance. Adiemus IV The Eternal KnoteditReleased in 2. Celtic history and mythology, and served as the soundtrack to the S4. C International documentary The Celts. In addition to rich string orchestrations and vocals borrowing from world musical styles common to Adiemus, Jenkins adds the accompaniment of ethnic instruments such as the Uilleann pipes and Carnyx. Track listingeditC Chullain 6 1.