2Nd Edition Scripture Worldly Things

2Nd Edition Scripture Worldly Things

Edition Scripture Worldly Things Bible Verse' title='2nd Edition Scripture Worldly Things Bible Verse' />2nd Edition Scripture Worldly Things Quotes2nd Edition Scripture Worldly Things ScriptureWe now predict the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 to occur on 2017Tishri5 September2930 and 3rd on 2017Tishri5 September2930. Tishri5 is the late late Zoar. So we see many Christian churches today, who do not rightly divide their Bibles, are teaching their people that there is no difference between the Rapture and the. Editors Note In a recent interview with Paul Badde, Archbishop Georg GnsweinPope Emeritus Benedict XVIs personal. Who are the Jesuits Throughout its history, many people have written and spoken about the reputation, history, and political nature of the Jesuit Order. Find out. Ten Things that Must Happen Before the Rapture. I have heard Christian leaders teach the rapture could happen at any moment including right now. That sounds great, but it overlooks the scriptures telling of other events that must happen first. Until those things happen the rapture cannot happen. Regardless of what our pastor or anyone else says about it, we must rely on the scriptures as the final authority. Gods Promise To Deliver Us. Just mentioning anything that must happen before the rapture sets off alarms for some people because they have been taught the rapture will deliver them out of here before anything bad happens. So before listing the ten things that must happen before the rapture, I want to acknowledge Gods promises to deliver believers from the wrath to come 1 Thessalonians 1 1. Revelation 3 1. 0 and from the hour of testing that is coming. Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Revelation 3 1. 0So we can take comfort in knowing God will keep His promises. I have heard Christian leaders teach the rapture could happen at any moment including right now. That sounds great, but it overlooks the scriptures telling of. The. PLAIN TRUTH. About. Malachis Message. And. THAT PROPHET. SCROLL DOWN OR CLICK TOPICS AT LEFT. For past updates, see Whats New at left. NEXT UPDATE. How To Pray R. A. Torrey the importance method of prayer Pray, pray, pray. All energy all heart into prayer. I must pray. Verse by Verse Notes on The Rubaiyat 1859 edition. Preliminary Note In what follows frequent reference is made to the different editions of FitzGeralds Rubaiyat. Edition Scripture Worldly Things Christians' title='2nd Edition Scripture Worldly Things Christians' />His wrath will be poured out in the earth, but not on His people. That is really good news All the unrepentant sinners in the world will mourn when they see the sign of the Son of Man in the sky Matthew 2. Gods people will be rescued in the rapture. As awesome as these promises are they do not mean Gods people will not endure any trouble in the world because there is a difference between the wrath of God and the wrath of man. God has promised to deliver us from His wrath, but has not promised to deliver us from mans wrath. In fact, He promised the world would hate us, persecute us, and even kill us. Jesus said we would be hated by all because of His name Mark 1. My name. At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another Matthew 2. We dont have to look into the future to find examples of the wrath of man because it has been operating in the earth ever since the days of Cain and Able. Millions of Christians around the world have endured great persecution and have even been killed for their faith. American Christians have so far not had to endure much persecution, but Christians in other parts of the world have suffered horrible things and continue to endure these things today. Just consider what believers today are enduring in places like Iraq, Syria, and China. The Apostle Paul wrote, all who desire to live godly in Messiah Jesus will suffer persecution 2 Timothy 3 1. Therefore, we cannot just toss out scriptures warning us about bad things coming in the last days. We cannot just look for the rapture to deliver us from all trouble. Not only would that be contrary to scripture, but it could also destroy our faith when bad things happen and we find ourselves still here. When that day comes, we will need strong faith to carry us through any trouble that comes our way. We will need faith that endures to the end. That kind of faith only comes from an accurate understanding of the scriptures. So now we can move on. Here are ten things that must happen before the rapture. The First Six Seals Must Be Broken. A great way to locate the timing of the rapture is by studying the breaking of the first six seals in Revelation 6. The Apostle John saw great trouble released by the breaking of each of the first five seals. Jesus saw the same events occurring in the same sequence Matthew 2. Both John and Jesus saw a time of trouble coming in the last days that would include wars, famines, earthquakes, and the rise of false messiahs Matthew 2. Both John and Jesus saw the rise of the antichrist during this time of trouble. Since there is only one antichrist, we can conclude they both saw the same events during the same time period. John saw a rider on a white horse receives a crown after the first seal is broken. The white horse is a symbol of conquest, but also represents a counterfeit of the Messiah who promised to return riding on a white horse. This false Messiah is the antichrist. After receiving his first crown he begins using his crown to gain more crowns Revelation 6 1 2. This marks the beginning of his rise to power and the beginning of the season of birth pangs. Jesus saw the antichrist entering the temple and standing in the holy place, which is what the prophet Daniel called the abomination that brings desolation Matthew 2. This arrogant action marks the beginning of the end for the antichrist. The cup of the wrath of God is full and about to be poured out. Both John and Jesus saw another event that only happens one time in all of history. They describe it with so many details  they must have seen the same thing. Here is what John saw released after the sixth seal is broken Revelation 6 1. There was a great earthquake. The sun became black. The moon became like blood. The stars of the sky fell to the earth like a fig tree shaken by the wind. The sky is split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up. Every mountain and island were moved out of their places. The people of the earth hid themselves and sought to die because they were dreading the coming wrath of God. Now compare that to what Jesus saw happening immediately after the tribulation, after the birth pangs Matthew 2. The sun will be darkened. The moon will not give its light. The stars will fall from the sky. Instructor Manual Management Daft 10Th. The powers of the heavens will be shaken. The sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. All the people of the earth will mourn after seeing the sign of the Son of Man in the sky. Both passages describe the same events in which the sun is darkened and turned black, the moon becomes like blood so that it does not give its light, the stars of the sky fall to the earth, the powers of the heavens are shaken as the sky is split apart and the sign of the Son of Man appears in the sky, and the people of the earth mourn and hide themselves because they dread the coming wrath of God. While the earth has endured earthquakes, solar eclipses, blood moons, and small meteorites in the past, there has never been anything like what is described in these two passages with all of these things happening at the same time, plus the sky being rolled up like a scroll, plus the heavens shaken, plus the sign of the Son of Man appearing in the sky, plus the people of the earth mourning. Actually, the sky being split apart like a scroll sounds like the prelude to the sign of the Son of Man appearing in the sky. Surely it would be a sign of something very big happening in heaven. Since nothing like this has ever happened before, and since the same things happen in both passages, we can conclude both John and Jesus are referring to the same events. The only significant difference between the two passages is John saw a great earthquake and Jesus did not mention that. Perhaps Jesus did not need to mention that because he already told us the stars of the sky will fall to the earth and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Scientists have proven that movements of the sun and moon not only cause huge oceans to rise at high tide and fall at low tide, but also cause changes in pressure on the earth, which causes earthquakes. It is like squeezing a tennis ball and forcing it to change shape. So when stars fall to the earth and the heavens are shaken, the changes in the gravitational pull caused by these forces would surely be enough to cause major earthquakes. In addition, the impact of stars falling and hitting the earth would also be likely to cause earthquakes, even causing mountains and islands to be moved out of their places. Isaiah Isaiah 1. Joel 2 1 1. Jesus and John because they also saw a time coming when the sun and moon will be darkened, the stars will fail to give their light, the earth will quake, the inhabitants of the earth will mourn, and the heavens will be shaken.

2Nd Edition Scripture Worldly Things
© 2017