The Best Local Restaurants for Visitors to Go to Instead of Chains. We asked you what local spots people should go to in your city instead of chain restaurants, and you delivered. Elm 327 Abs Software For Laptop there. Weve complied suggestions for major metro areas so tourists stop going to awful chains and instead give their money to local places you love. If you live in a city that attracts a steady stream of tourists, you already know and side eyeRead more Read. This isnt just about great local restaurants, but about which ones people should go to as specific alternatives to the major chains, and thus, we tried to keep this list to ones that offer similar cuisine to the big box options. Rosetta Stone Chinese Mandarin Level 4 Isolation GownsThanks to all the commenters who shared suggestions You can check out the full discussion here. The categories are American Has menu items like you might find at Applebees, Arbys, Cheesecake Factory, Five Guys, Hard Rock Cafe, Black Angus, BJs, and Outback Steakhouse. Bakery Offerings similar to chains like Dunkin Donuts, Krispie Kreme, Mrs. Fields, Cinnabon, and Noahs. Chinese Options like youd find at Panda Express, P. F. Changs, and Pick Up Stix. Diner Offerings similar to chains like Dennys, Mels Drive In, Boston Market, Country Buffet and i. Hop. Italian Menu items similar to Olive Garden, Buca di Beppo, Maggianos Little Italy, Old Spaghetti Factory, and Romanos Macaroni Grill. Mexican Dishes close to what Chevys, Baja Fresh, Chipotle, Chilis, and Qdoba have to offer. Pizza Similar to California Pizza Kitchen, Cicis Pizza, Round Table Pizza, and Peter Piper Pizza. Sandwiches Options comparable to chains like Subway, Panera Bread, Blimpie, Jimmy Johns, and Quiznos. Seafood Menu offerings like youd find at Red Lobster, Joes Crab Shack, and Long John Silvers. NYCBoston. Washington, D. C. Area. Chicago. Minneapolis. American Mannys Steakhouse, Revival, Matts Bar, Murrays, The Sample Room, Birchwood. Rosetta Stone Chinese Mandarin Level 4 Isolation Gown' title='Rosetta Stone Chinese Mandarin Level 4 Isolation Gown' />Mexican Brasa, Betty Dangers, Tacocat, Taco Taxi. Pizza The Black Sheep. Seafood Smack Shack, The Anchor. Houston Area. American Killens, Glatins, Jackson Street, Burger Nation, Millers Cafe, Tookies, The Dot. We asked you what local spots people should go to in your city instead of chain restaurants, and you delivered. Weve complied suggestions for major metro areas so. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. Mexican Jimmy Changas, Ninfas, El Tiempo Cantina. Seafood Gaidos, Shrimp n Stuff. Austin. San Francisco. American Marlowe, Causewells, St. Francis Fountain, Brendas Soul Food, Bullshead, Super Duper. Bakery Frena, Arizmendi Bakery, Neighbor Bakehouse. Chinese Yank Sing 2 Go, City View, Old Mandarin Islamic, Hong Kong Lounge IIItalian Trattoria daVittorio, Care Tiramisu. Mexican The Taco Shop at Underdogs, El Farolito, Taqueria San Jose, El Toreador. Pizza Goat Hill Pizza, Paxtis, Little Star. Sandwiches Lucca Deli, Wise Sons Jewish Deli. Los Angeles. Portland. We couldnt fit all the suggestions on this list, but if you didnt submit recommendations before, add them to the discussion below. Download Update. Star Update. Star. Download the. Double click the downloaded file. Update. Star is compatible with Windows platforms. Update. Star has been tested to meet all of the technical requirements to be compatible with. Windows 1. 0, 8. 1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2. Windows. XP, 3. 2 bit and 6. Simply double click the downloaded file to install it. Update. Star Free and Update. Star Premium come with the same installer. Update. 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