Heres The NFLs Investigative Report On Ezekiel Elliott. The full NFL investigative report on star Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott has been released. It was included as an exhibit to a lawsuit, filed in federal court by the NFL Players Association, demanding that Elliotts league issued suspension be vacated. HIStalk Announcements and Requests. Every October Lorre offers a deal for new HIStalk sponsors sign up now and get the rest of 2017 free. Contact her if you want. In its lawsuit, the NFLPA calls what transpired one of the most fundamentally unfair arbitral processes conceivable. Elliott and the Union were subjected to an arbitration process in which, among other things, there was a League orchestrated conspiracy by senior NFL executives, including NFL Senior Vice President and Special Counsel for Investigations Lisa Friel, to hide critical informationwhich would completely exonerate Elliott. Elliott was suspended by the league for six games for violating the NFLs personal conduct policy. The NFL investigation started after his ex girlfriend accused him of domestic violence. Prosecutors in Columbus, Ohio, investigated but declined to bring charges, saying there was conflicting and inconsistent information across all incidents resulting in concern regarding the sufficiency of the evidence to support the filing of criminal charges. The NFL conducted its own investigation and found that Elliott had used physical force against Tiffany Thompson. But the details of how the league reached that conclusion havent been public until now. Before reading the report, know that the complaint alleges it is incomplete and flawed. Thompson was interviewed six times, but just twice were those interviews transcribed. The NFLs report doesnt reach a conclusion and excludes certain key pieces of information, the lawsuit claims bold is as produced in the complaint. First, after repeated questioning, Friel admitted that it was Roberts conclusion that after review of the totality of the evidence, there was insufficient evidence to corroborate Thompsons version of events. Arb. Hrg Tr. Aug. Ex. C. at 3. 01 2. Friel admitted that this conclusion was excluded from the Elliott report, as a result of a decision that she made with NFL counsel. The lawsuit also takes issue with many parts of the arbitration and hearing processit says that not having Thompson present for questioning was unfair. Still, this is the report that the NFL produced. Norwegian_Star_pool_side_oct_2006.jpg/1046px-Norwegian_Star_pool_side_oct_2006.jpg' alt='Microsoft Office 2003 Norwegian Breakaway' title='Microsoft Office 2003 Norwegian Breakaway' />A reader of Cruise Law News sent me a article appearing today in the British newspaper, Daily Mail, titled Grandmother, 83, is kicked off her 6star cruise for having. 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ENDIAMESES%20PHOTO/10%20TOP%20CRUISES/norwegian_breakway_.jpg' alt='Microsoft Office 2003 Norwegian Breakaway' title='Microsoft Office 2003 Norwegian Breakaway' />Apple AZ Everything you need to know about Apple Apple by numbers. I mean, letters. An alphabetical tour of all things Apple. It reads like the opposite of an investigative report. It opens with summaries of the events and then, at page 7. Unlike the NFLs letter to Elliott upon announcing his suspension, it does not state any definitive conclusions about who is right, who is wrong, or what might have happened. Unless indicated otherwise, everything that follows is from the NFL report. The first part of the report is a summary. Here are significant parts from that section They met around Thompsons 1. She eventually considered herself his girlfriend Elliott said she was just one of many women that he slept with. In March of last year, the report states, Thompson found out she was pregnant with twins. Elliott told her to get an abortion initially, Thompson told him that she did not want to. But she miscarried one of the twins a few weeks later, and she had an abortion to end the pregnancy soon after. Photoimpact 6 Italiano Download Movies there. One of Elliotts close friends, Alvarez Jackson, accompanied her to the abortion. Though the report notes that Thompson initially miscarried before going through with the decision to have an abortion to fully terminate the pregnancy, in the direct excerpt of investigators interview with her, there is no mention of the miscarriage On the first alleged incident from the week of July 1. The two were lying in bed between 4 and 5 a. July 1. 7 when a woman from Dallas Facetimed Elliott. When Thompson asked him about it, she said that he tried to have sex with her, and when she said no, he tried to have anal sex with her. She said no again, and Elliott became angry he yanks me out of the bed and pushes me up against the door by holding me with both of his hands, Thompson told NFL investigators. He chokes me and says, What did I tell youElliott denied arguing with Thompson that nightsaying that another woman had Facetimed him, but that Thompson understood he was sleeping with other womenand denied physically fighting her. Thompson texted her aunt pictures of her bruised arms, neck and shoulders the next day. The NFL investigation confirmed that the metadata showed the photographs were taken in the apartment on that day. The NFL had two different medical experts review the photographs as part of the investigation. Both noted that several of Thompsons bruises did not appear to be fresha week or two oldwhile others looked consistent with bruises suffered within 2. The NFLPAs lawsuit takes issue with these experts, saying Ultimately, it was established that neither doctor could rule out the fact that the bruises depicted were consistent with numerous other possible causes apart from the allegations of abuse, including drunken and drug induced falls, fights with other persons, rough sex and other possible causes. On the second alleged incident from that week On the night of July 1. Thompson went to work at a restaurant where she was a bottle service waitress. Elliott called her 2. When she returned to the apartment, she claimed that she found him yelling in the parking lot with his friend Alvarez Jackson. He opened the passenger door to her car, she said, and reached over and grabbed her by the arm and pushed her back against the seat and grabbed the keys out of her hand. On the third alleged incident from that week Elliott denied this incident happened, saying that the two had argued about her refusal to leave the apartment but that there had never been anything physical On the fourth alleged incident from that week. Elliott denied this account of an alleged incident in the early morning hours of July 2. Elliotts birthday party, held at a Columbus club, telling investigators he never put his hands on Thompson. Outside Elliotts birthday party, Thompson allegedly got in a fight with another woman. She claimed that there was no physical contact between the two other than hair pulling. But a club security officer and two off duty police officers working the event said that they saw the women throwing punches at one another, though they did not believe that any of the punches landed. A friend of Thompsons, Ayrin Mason, provided the following to Columbus police Mason later told NFL investigators a different story, saying that there was no punching or kicking and that Thompson sustained no bruising in the fight. Following Elliotts birthday party at the club, he invited a smaller group to an afterparty at his apartment. It is not clear if Thompson was invited or not, but she was there. Thompson and Mason arrived before Elliott and were waiting in the parking lot when he showed up in a car driven by another woman. Thompson claimed that Elliott dragged her away when she tried to confront him, but all other witnesses interviewed by the NFL said this was not so Thompson then called the police. She said she had domestic violence to report, caused by her boyfriend and that he had been doing it for the past five days. When asked if he had hit her and where, she said, all over. She told the 9. Thompson also texted Mason, instructing her to tell the police that Elliott had physically dragged her out of the car. These texts could not be obtained by NFL investigators, but the Columbus police accessed them and noted them in their initial report. Thompson told the NFL that the texts were her telling Mason to tell the truth about what she saw. From Masons account of the evening Police soon arrived, and Thompson told them that Elliott had assaulted her several times that week before finally yanking her right arm and dragging her out of the car just before her 9. Elliott said that he had not ever laid a hand on her and that any bruises she had were from her fight with another woman outside the club that night.