Install Mplayer Debian Wheezy Packages

Install Mplayer Debian Wheezy Packages

TKJ Electronics How to stream video and audio from a Raspberry Pi with no latency. I have finally finished my last exams, so now I have more time to focus on some of my own projects. It has been a while since our Kickstarter campaign was successfully funded, but we are still working on making the experience better for the final users. The following distributions match your criteria sorted by popularity 1. Debian 2 The Debian Project is an association of individuals who have made common cause. Weekly Edition Daily updates Events Calendar Book reviews Penguin Gallery. About LWN. net The LWN. Linux Distribution List You have found the LWN. Linux. Choose and install the OS. The first task is to get a basic OS install. You can do this with about any distribution of Linux you feel comfortable with, but Id. Install Mplayer Debian Wheezy Packages To Hawaii' title='Install Mplayer Debian Wheezy Packages To Hawaii' />Install Mplayer Debian Wheezy Packages PlusInstall Mplayer Debian Wheezy Packages For TroopsInstall Mplayer Debian Wheezy Packages RciAfter the campaign ended we sent out a survey to all our backers with several questions about there address, profession and so on, but we also asked them if they had any suggestions for improvements or extra features they would like to see added to the Balanduino. A lot of people asked if we could enable wireless streaming for it. I was personally very excited about that since I have been playing with the thought for quite a while, so when the official camera module for the Raspberry Pi became available I bought it straight away. If you do not have much experience with the Raspberry Pi I recommend reading Thomass blog post he wrote a while ago http blog. I really have not used my Raspberry Pi that much it has been laying on my desk for quite some time, as I did not have any real use for it until now. I have tried some different approaches, but ended up using a something called gstreamer 1. Note that there is currently no official binaries for Windows, so you will have to compile them yourself, but it works great on both Mac OS X and Linux. I am running Arch Linux on my Raspberry Pi since I do not need the desktop environment that comes with the official Raspbian wheezy image, but it should not make much of a difference. I will not go into much detail on how to install gstreamer 1. I will refer to the page I originally got the commands from http pi. Also check out the original forum post http www. BB3viewtopic. phpVideo. To stream video from my Raspberry Pi I run the following command raspivid t. Ip port5. 00. 0And to receive the video on my Mac I run the following command in the terminal gst launch 1. Ip port5. 00. 0 Be sure to replace server. Ip with the ip of your Raspberry Pi. You can get it by running the following command on the Raspberry Pi ifconfig. The video quality is really great and there is basically no latency at all. Audio. To stream audio turned out to be a little harder to get working. There is no audio input on the Raspberry Pi, so I used an old Icemat USB Sound card I had laying around. First of all type the following command into your Raspberry Pi lsusb. It should print out something like this Bus 0. Device 0. 02 ID 0. Standard Microsystems Corp. LAN9. 50. 0 Ethernet 1. Adapter SMSC9. 51. Hub. Bus 0. 01 Device 0. ID 1d. 6b 0. 00. Linux Foundation 2. Bus 0. 01 Device 0. ID 0. 42. 4 ec. 00 Standard Microsystems Corp. SMSC9. 51. 29. 51. Fast Ethernet Adapter. Bus 0. 01 Device 0. ID 0d. 8c 0. 00c C Media Electronics, Inc. Audio Adapter. Note the last device is my USB sound card. Btw I recommend using ssh to login to your device. In fact I never use the HDMI output, as I prefer using my laptop. For more information check out this guide by Adafruit http learn. If your audio device is not working properly, then I recommend googling your USB sound card, as somebody else have properly already written a guide on how to get it working. After that you will need to install the following packages alsa utils, alsa firmware, and alsa plugins. Since I run Arch Linux I do this by running pacman S alsa utils alsa firmware alsa plugins. After that reboot your device reboot. If you run Raspbian wheezy shutdown r now. After that run the following command catprocasoundcards. This should print out a list of your sound cards like so 0ALSA           BRCM bcm. ALSbcm. 28. 35 ALSA bcm. ALSAbcm. 28. 35 ALSA1Set             USB Audio C Media USB Headphone Set. C Media USB Headphone Set at usb bcm. Notice that the name of my device is Set we will use this later. You can also see the name by running the following command asoundconf list. Default Software Microsoft Windows Currentversion Internet Settings Digest Hosts on this page. To get even more information run aplay l. Now we want to set this sound card as the default. This is done by the following command asoundconf set default card cardname. Be sure to replace cardname with the name of your sound card. In my case I replace it with Set like so asoundconf set default card Set. Also add the following pcm. Setdevice 0ctl. Setdevice 0To etcasound. Now reboot once more. Now it is time to test if it is actually working. Run the following command speaker test c. You should hear noise in your headphones. Okay now try to run the following command gst launch 1. You should hear a high pitch tone. Now for something a bit more interesting. Try to run the following command gst launch 1. Set alsasink. Be sure yo replace Set with the name of your sound card. Now the input from the microphone should be played out the audio output of the USB sound card. To adjust your setting like volume, microphone level etc. Use the following command alsamixer. And then to store your settings alsactl store. To make a 1. 0 second audio recording at a samplerate of 1. D plughw Set r. To play it back aplay D plughw Set test. Now to the fun part To stream the audio run gst launch 1. Set mulawenc Ip port5. Replace the client. Ip with your computers ip address. Normally I just set the end to 2. I set mine to 1. To receive the audio on your computer gst launch 1. If you experience dropouts you might want to add num buffers1. Set at the server side, but in my experience it actually works better by not using it. In the end I decided to create two scripts. One at the streaming end the Raspberry Pi and another and the receiver my computer. This will allow me to stream the video and audio simultaneously from the Raspberry Pi to my computer. The streaming script binbash eserver. Ipifconfiggrep Einet. Ipechoserver. Ipcut d. Send to allgst launch 1. Set mulawenc Ipport5. Ipport5. 00. 0kill And the receiving script binbash eserver. Iprpi. localgst launch 1. Ipport5. 00. 0 Make sure to make the script executable chmod x pathtoyourscript. Note that I have setup Bonjour on the Raspberry Pi so I can simply refer to it as hostname. More information can be found at the following site http gettingstartedwithraspberrypi. I am very satisfied with the performance. There is almost no latency at all both via a wired or a wireless connection.

Install Mplayer Debian Wheezy Packages
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