Super. H Wikipedia. Super. H or SH is a 3. RISC instruction set architecture ISA developed by Hitachi and currently produced by Renesas. It is implemented by microcontrollers and microprocessors for embedded systems. Implement Program Counter Vhdl Code' title='Implement Program Counter Vhdl Code' />Arithmetic core Design done,Specification doneWishBone Compliant NoLicense GPLDescriptionA 32bit parallel and highly pipelined Cyclic Redundancy Code CRC. In this project, a 16bit singlecycle MIPS processor is implemented in Verilog HDL. MIPS is an RISC processor, which is widely used by many universities in academic. Arty. ARTY Saying Hello World in Just Over 10 Minutes ARTY MicroBlaze System in under 10 Minutes Video ARTY SPI, I2C and PMODS Arty In Chip Logic. Implement Program Counter Vhdl Code' title='Implement Program Counter Vhdl Code' />As of 2. Super. H architecture are expiring and the SH2 CPU has been reimplemented as open source hardware under the name J2. Historyedit. SH 2 on Sega 3. X and Sega Saturn. The Super. H processor core family was first developed by Hitachi in the early 1. Hitachi has developed a complete group of upward compatibleinstruction set. CPU cores. The SH 1 and the SH 2 were used in the Sega Saturn and Sega 3. X. These cores have 1. A few years later the SH 3 core was added to the SH CPU family new features included another interrupt concept, a memory management unit MMU and a modified cache concept. The SH 3 core also got a DSP extension, then called SH 3 DSP. With extended data paths for efficient DSP processing, special accumulators and a dedicated MAC type DSP engine, this core was unifying the DSP and the RISC processor world. A derivative was also used with the original SH 2 core. Between 1. 99. 4 and 1. Super. H devices were shipped worldwide. For the Dreamcast, Hitachi developed the SH 4 architecture. Superscalar 2 way instruction execution and a vectorfloating point unit particularly suited to 3d graphics were the highlights of this architecture. SH 4 based standard chips were introduced around 1. The SH 3 and SH 4 architectures support both big endian and little endian byte ordering they are bi endian. LicensingeditHitachi and STMicroelectronics started collaborating as early as 1. SH 4. In early 2. IP company Super. H, Inc., which was going to license the SH 4 core to other companies and was developing the SH 5 architecture, the first move of Super. H into the 6. 4 bit area. In 2. Hitachi and Mitsubishi Electric formed a joint venture called Renesas Technology, with Hitachi controlling 5. In 2. 00. 4, Renesas Technology bought STMicroelectronicss share of ownership in the Super. H Inc. and with it the licence to the SH cores. Renesas Technology later became Renesas Electronics, following their merger with NEC Electronics. The SH 5 design supported two modes of operation. SHcompact mode is equivalent to the user mode instructions of the SH 4 instruction set. SHmedia mode is very different, using 3. SIMD instructions. In SHmedia mode the destination of a branch jump is loaded into a branch register separately from the actual branch instruction. This allows the processor to prefetch instructions for a branch without having to snoop the instruction stream. The combination of a compact 1. SH 5 ARM processors have a 1. Thumb mode ARM licensed several patents from Super. H for Thumb5 and MIPS processors have a MIPS 1. However, SH 5 differs because its backward compatibility mode is the 1. The evolution of the Super. H architecture still continues. The latest evolutionary step happened around 2. SH 2 up to SH 4 were getting unified into a superscalar SH X core which forms a kind of instruction set superset of the previous architectures. Today, the Super. H CPU cores, architecture and products are with Renesas Electronics, a merger of the Hitachi and Mitsubishi semiconductor groups and the architecture is consolidated around the SH 2, SH 2. A, SH 3, SH 4 and SH 4. A platforms giving a scalable family. The last of the SH 2 patents expired in 2. At Linux. Con Japan 2. SH 2 ISA with extensions known as the J2 core due to the unexpired trademarks. Subsequently, a design walkthrough was presented at ELC 2. The open source. BSD licensed VHDL code for the J2 core has been proven on Xilinx. FPGAs and on ASICs manufactured on TSMCs 1. Clinux. 5 J2 is backwards ISA compatible with SH 2, implemented as a 5 stage pipeline with separate Instruction and Data memory interfaces, and a machine generated Instruction Decoder supporting the densely packed and complex relative to other RISC machines ISA. Additional instructions are easy to add. J2 implements instructions for dynamic shift using the SH 3 and later instruction patterns, extended atomic operations used for threading primitives and lockinginterfaces for symmetric multiprocessor support. Plans to implement the SH 2. A as J2 and SH 4 as J4 instruction sets as the relevant patents expire in 2. Several features of Super. H have been cited as motivations for designing new cores based on this architecture 5High code density compared to other 3. RISCISAs such as ARM or MIPS8 important for cache and memory bandwidth performance. Existing compiler and operating system support Linux, Windows Embedded, QNX6Extremely low ASIC fabrication costs now that the patents are expiring around US0. J2 dual core core on TSMCs 1. Patent and royalty free BSD licensed implementation. Full and vibrant community support. Availability of low cost hardware development platform for zero cost FPGA tools. CPU and So. C RTL generation and integration tools, producing FPGA and ASIC portable RTL and documentation. Clean, modern design with open source design, generation, simulation and verification environment. The family of Super. H CPU cores includes SH 1 used in microcontrollers for deeply embedded applications CD ROM drives, major appliances, etc. SH 2 used in microcontrollers with higher performance requirements, also used in automotive such as engine control units or in networking applications, and also in video game consoles, like the Sega Saturn. The SH 2 has also found home in many motor control applications, including Subaru, Mitsubishi, and Mazda. SH 2. A The SH 2. A core is an extension of the SH 2 core including a few extra instructions but most importantly moving to a superscalar architecture it is capable of executing more than one instruction in a single cycle and two five stage pipelines. It also incorporates 1. It is also strong in motor control application but also in multimedia, car audio, powertrain, automotive body control and office building automation. SH DSP initially developed for the mobile phone market, used later in many consumer applications requiring DSP performance for JPEG compression etc. SH 3 used for mobile and handheld applications such as the Jornada, strong in Windows CE applications and market for many years in the car navigation market. SH 3 DSP used mainly in multimedia terminals and networking applications, also in printers and fax machines. SH 4 used whenever high performance is required such as car multimedia terminals, video game consoles, or set top boxes. SH 5 used in high end 6. SH X mainstream core used in various flavours withwithout DSP or FPU unit in engine control unit, car multimedia equipment, set top boxes or mobile phones. SH Mobile Super. H Mobile Application Processor designed to offload application processing from the baseband LSIThe SH 2 is a 3. RISC architecture with a 1. MAC block for DSP algorithms and has a five stage pipeline. Card College Pdf Italiano. The SH 2 has a cache on all ROM less devices. It provides 1. 6 general purpose registers, a vector base register, global base register, and a procedure register. Today the SH 2 family stretches from 3. KB of on board flash up to ROM less devices. It is used in a variety of different devices with differing peripherals such as CAN, Ethernet, motor control timer unit, fast ADC and others. The SH 2. A is an upgrade to the SH 2 core. It was announced in early 2. At launch in 2. 00. SH 2. A based SH7. MHz. It has later been superseded by several newer Super. H devices running at up to 2. MHz. New features on the SH 2. A core include Superscalar architecture execution of 2 instructions simultaneously. Harvard architecture. Two 5 stage pipelines. Optional FPUThe SH 2. A family today spans a wide memory field from 1. KB up to and includes many ROM less variations.