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Back to Small Engine Repair FAQ Table of Contents. Troubleshooting Guide Instant troubleshooting chart most common problems and possible causes. Mg6ILVPw/UyjfwlIHpiI/AAAAAAAAABY/fC2wnYsVajY/s1600/Download+Harley+Davidson+Service+Repair+Manual.jpg' alt='Chilton Motorcycle Troubleshooting Guide Pdf' title='Chilton Motorcycle Troubleshooting Guide Pdf' />Build Your Own ELECTRIC MOTORCYCLE 1. Steps with Pictures In the list of odd things nobody ever tells you about. I found a few quirks while working on this project. Rear Brake Spring Bracket. When I was getting the cycle all back together and testing to make sure everything was working right, I had to hook the rear brake back up. On a motorcycle, the rear brake is activated by a right foot pedal. A spring pulls that pedal back up when you release it. But heres the weird part. I couldnt figure out where that spring connected to on the frame of the motorcycle. I consulted the repair manual, and found out that the spring hooks on THE MUFFLERWLDX Presents. Guy Penrod, Christmas More Tour By WLDX. Sunday, December 17th, 2017, 3pm at the Earl McDonald Auditorium on the campus of Bevill State Community. By converting my motorcycle to electric, I no longer had a place to connect my return spring So, I built a little tiny, custom bracket, just for the spring to go to. On your project, you might come across some other odd quirk like this. Its not a big deal, it just gives you the opportunity to be creative and come up with your own solution The Gas Tank. Some of the most common questions I get about an electric motorcycle are about the gas tank. Typical is If it doesnt have any gasoline, why do you have the gas tank and Why dont you just STUFF that gas tank full of batteriesThe short answers are that motocycles just dont look like motorcycles without the gas tank, and you really cant fit batteries in there anyways. When I got the motorcycle, the tank was already rusted and dented. It was completely bone dry, but I still left it open for a few days before cutting off the bottom with an angle grinder, so I could beat out the dents from the inside. Then I stripped the existing paint, and gave it a new paint job. The top part of the motorcycle frame is a tube that goes straight through the gas tank. The tank is almost like a saddle bag that hangs over that bar. The tank is also curved and batteries are nearly always big rectangular things. So, between the frame and shape of the tank, you just ARENT going to cram batteries in there That would also raise the center of gravity on the cycle as well. The tank does make an excellent cover for over the batteries. It would also be a good place to mount the motor controller or a battery charger, as long as you make sure they have enough ventilation. Some electric vehicle enthusiasts will even make a FAKE gas tank from foam, fiberglass, or plastic. It gives the cycle that cool look, but since its custom, can be designed to accomodate batteries or other components. Stargate Sg 1 Game Free Download. Remember, on some cycles today, the gas tank really isnt. On Goldwings, the tank is just a filler port, but the actual fuel tank is elsewhere on the vehicle. The tank makes a nice box for gloves, goggles, and maps. LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVESOne myth of an electric motorcycle is that its silent. It isnt it makes some noise, but it is SIGNIFICANTLY quieter than a gas motorcycle, especially one with modified tailpipes. Should the need arise for my cycle to be loud, I have a horn and am not afraid to use it. Even though most car drivers today have their windows rolled up, with the air conditioning cranked, and the radio blaring, so they cant hear a thing anyways some people still think that a motorcycle being obnoxiously loud is a safety feature. After the millionth time that I heard that loud pipes save lives mostly from NON motorcyclists, I wondered if there was a way I could play with that in a way that an electric motorcycle could be BETTER than a gas one when it came to making noise. I connected an MP3 player to my computer and downloaded some various motorcycle sound effects. I then attached self powered computer speakers inside the hollowed gas tank and bungie corded the MP3 player to the handlebars. I could now sound like a Harley, a Kawasaki, a 5. George Jetson flying car See details on that here on Instructables. Add Sound Effects to your Electric MotorcycleTraining. If you havent already, take a riders safety class. Motorcycle riding is a skill. It should be learned and practiced. Make sure to always get the hang of it again in the spring after pulling the cycle back out of winter storage. Come to think of it winterizing should be covered here as well. Winter Storage. When I looked through the cycle manual on winter storage, I was surprised at how much work it was to store a gas cycle for the winter You have to change the oil, run the tank dry, and doing a surprisingly long list of other things When back out of storage in the spring, you are supposed to change the oil again and have another laundry list. On my electric motorcycle, heres how I put it away for the winter. Charge the batteries Pull out the battery disconnect Ignore the cycle for the rest of the winter I just keep mine in the back corner of the garage. In the spring, its Charge the batteries they will self discharge a bit over the winter Check the air in the tires. Put in the battery disconnect, turn the key, and ride the cycle LED Lighting A vehicle becomes more efficient the lighter and more aerodynamic it is. You can also help make it more efficient by reducing electrical loads. For example LED lights consume less power than incandescent ones. On my cycle, I replaced the stock taillight with an LED light from the autoparts store. They are mass manufactured, DOT approved, and affordable. Id like to have a low power draw headlight, but at this time there are only a few DOT approved LED headlights available on the market, and they are rather expensive. Id like to get one when the price comes down, or possibly build my own. The turn signals on the cycle are still incandescent, as they use nearly no power at all how often are turn signals on It didnt make sense for me to spend the money to upgrade them to LED. If I were building a new, custom motorcycle, I would install LED lights all the way around right from the start. Miles per Gallon Another really cool thing about electric motorcycles is how crazy efficient they can be After my first ride on a fully charged battery, I recharged the battery, tracking how much energy was used with a Kill a Watt energy monitor and divided it by how many miles I traveled using the trip odometer. I used electric to gasoline conversion numbers from MIT to calculate what the equivalent miles per gallon would be. It came out to over 3. Is it fair to use MPG when talking about electric vehicles No, not really. Gasoline cant be made from wind turbines or photovoltaic panels, and there arent nearly as many gas stations as there are electric outlets. When talking about electric vehicles, we might use MPGe or miles per gallon equivalent. Its not a perfect analog between gas and electric, but it gives people who have lived in a world of miles per gallon a better sense of the efficiency of an electric vehicle. Keep in mind that heat, noise, and vibration are all signs of POOR efficiency. An electric motorcycle doesnt have a hot engine, with noisy exhaust that needs mufflers, and it doesnt shake from engine vibration. Regenerative Braking. Many people are now familiar with the concept of regenerative braking, due to the mainstream popularity of hybrid cars. So, of course they ask if my cycle has it as a feature. No it doesnt. Although a DC permanent magnet motor can make a fine generator, adding regenerative braking adds to cost and complexity of the project. Also, most braking is done on the FRONT of a vehicle. On the cycle, the motor is connected to the back wheel, where it would be less effective for regen. Also, overbraking on the rear of a cycle can lead to a uncontrolled skid. Many hypermilers get better fuel economy by avoiding braking in the first place, using simple eco driving techniques, such as timing lights. Budget. We wouldnt want to finish talking about this project without mentioning what it cost to build. First, let me start off by saying that any project like this can have WIDE VARIATION in the cost of the components and the final budget.