Torah+they_will_verify_the_Torah.jpg' alt='Bible Codes Search Protection' title='Bible Codes Search Protection' />Full Text Version of The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church. Articles Mysterious Grace Teaching the Bible rightly dividedEditors Note Dr. Sadler is president of the Berean Bible Society www. This article first appeared in that organizations monthly publication, The Berean Searchlight. The entire issue is available for download at their website as a PDF document, along with all previous back issues. I was thrilled to read his testimony because his experience is what I would wish for all who read this blog whether you are called into professional ministry as he was, or are a layman. It takes great courage to do what he did. Pastors who are willing to turn their back on denominational traditions when faced with what the Bible actually says are rare from the time they enter seminary they are taught to toe the denominational line, and most become so heavily invested in denominational error that they will choose to stick with it rather than have to admit what they have believed and taught was wrong. When challenged with the Truth of the Word rightly divided, having no excuse against the Scriptures, they often become huffy and threatening when challenged with the Scriptures, having nothing but intimidation to stand upon. I speak from experience. Laymen can be caught in the same trap. I hope, friend, that if after reading this you see yourself in that position, youll decide to follow Christ and His Word above all commandments of men. I have added three personal comments toward the end of Dr. Sadlers article, shown in green type and s. How I Came to See Pauls Gospel A Personal Testimony. The Early Days. It wasnt long after we trusted Christ that my wife Vicki and I became actively involved at the local Baptist church. We sat under the ministry of Pastor Weldon Causseaux, who led us to the Lord. This proved to be a very profitable time for us spiritually, as we learned all the fundamentals of the Christian faith. During this time, Pastor Causseaux asked me to serve as the Youth Leader of the assembly. The youth group was primarily composed of senior high students, most of whom knew and loved the Lord. Accepting this position turned out to be a major turning point in my Christian life. Later I became a member of the Board of Deacons, which gave me the opportunity to fill the pupit occasionally in the pastors absence and assist him in other areas of the work. We were one of the more conservative American Baptist assemblies in the area and therefore, when Pastor Causseaux accepted a pastoral position in the south, we called a Bob Jones University graduate as our new pastor. For the most part, the family members of our young people attended the assembly as well, so when the kids went off to college, they returned home during the summer months and faithfully attended the young peoples meetings. To their credit, most Baptists are very dedicated to their local assemblies and Baptist teachings. We had some great discussions at these youth meetings, where I quickly learned how insightful young people can be. While they never questioned the foundation of Baptist teaching or traditions, they did want to discuss what they perceived to be inconsistencies. As Baptists, we were taught that it was our responsibility to carry out the Great Commission, which, of course, always took us back to the four Gospel accounts. One of the questions that troubled them at the time was the Lors statement in Matthew 1. But He answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Furthermore, our Lord instructed His disciples to confine their ministry only to the nation Israel and not go into the way of the Gentiles or into any city of the Samaritans Matt. But were Gentiles Where do we fit in This particular question of our young people prompted me to approach the pastor about the matter. Their inquiry, which I really didnt have a good answer for at the time, became my inquiry. I asked the pastor in his office one day if it seemed to him to be terribly inconsistent, as Gentiles, to be going back to the four Gospels where the house of Israel always seemed to be in view. I will never forget his response. He said,You shouldnt be overly concerned about such things. It is more important to win lost souls to Christ. In other words, he didnt know, and his actions made it clear that he wasnt interested in looking into it. I certainly agree that the salvation of lost souls is extremely important, but his response left me with an uneasy feeling because I was interested in learning more about the Word of God. Php 5 3 8 For Readynas X86 Vs X64. And these signs shall follow them that believe In my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues They shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover Mark 1. On another occasion, I inquired as to why the supernatural sign gifts did not follow those of us who believed if we were working under the Great Commission signssuch as healing the sick, speaking in new tongues, taking up deadly serpents, and drinking any deadly thing with no harm coming to us Mark 1. I distinctly recall the pastor saying that possibly the reason I didnt have these gifts was because I did not have enough faith, to which I responded, That may be true, but what aobut all of those believers who have been faithful Why is there an absence of these supernatural gifts in their lives To this I got a shrug of the shoulder, along with a suggestion that I took things far too seriouslyTo me, it seemed that the teachings we were following were not consistent with the Scriptures we were proclaiming. Sadly, those who hold to an Acts 2 position leave themselves wide open to Pentecostalism. In fact, the very pastor who was reluctant to answer my questions departed from the Baptist faith and became a Pentecostal. Called by His GraceWho has saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began II Tim. It was around this time that I began to sense the Lords call to enter the ministry on a full time basis. His prompting was so obvious that it actually scared me. I really wrestled with this decision imagine it, telling the Lord He surely didnt mean me I reasoned with Him that there were so many other capable men who were far more qualified than I would ever be. To assist in my denial that the Lord could use me in this capacity, Satan caused a wave of depression to sweep over me. But the Lord continued to make it perfectly clear to me that this was His will for my life. After weeks of sleepless nights of trying, with Satans assistance, to talk myself out of it, I heard a message delivered by a godly pastor who had been in the ministry for many years. It was as if he was speaking directly to me. I remember his words to this day Young man, perhaps God is calling you into the ministry but you have convinced yourself that you are unqualified. After all, there are men with college and seminary degrees who are far more capable. That may well be true, but the majority of them are unwilling to stand for the truth of Gods Word. God is looking for men who are willing to stand for the truth. Accept His call today you will never regret your decision. I sat there astonished at his words. If there was one thing I was more than willing to do, it was to stand for the truth It was at that moment I knelt in prayer and submitted myself to the Lords calling. The pastor was right I have never regretted that decision. This all took place back in the early Seventies, during the recession, when everyone sat in long lines to purchase gas. It was the worst of times in that it was nearly impossible to sell a house and find work, but the Lord went before us to remove all the obstacles that appeared to be in the way. Opposition to Catholicism, New Age, Judaism, paganism, atheism, Buddhism, the unsaved, and versions of the Bible other than the King James. I want you to stop and think about the house that you live in. If I asked you to describe your house to me, you would most likely tell me about the location, the.