The triumph of science is finally realizing Earth can only support 1 billion people Pope Francis Laudato Si Maintain Earth population under. Ayn Rand Philosophy Who Needs It PdfsharpCurrent Events Keep it in the ground TPP nations want Americas vast energy reserves to stay in the ground Why So their Foreign Corporations can Sue Municipalities and States who follow Keep it in the Ground Federal Law. A Confederate Wet Dream bar none. Paul Ryan will pass TPP and its Lights Out for the United States. During the Great Tribulation, JESUS refers to people who reject Him and whose names are therefore not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb as Earth Dwellers Rev 1. Keep it in the Ground Greenpeace Legislation has been around for years, but was formally introduced by Hillary Clinton front man Bernie Sanders on Nov 4 ahead of the Paris Climate Change Summit it prohibits Nat Gas, Oil and Coal drilling on all US Federal Lands to stave off Global Climate Change. Lyberty. coms weeklymonthly splash page. Yes, a splash page is old fashioned, but its been a tradition here since 1999. An exploration of critical rationalism. R G Collingwood 18891943 was an English philosopher and historian who was obsessed with the rise of communism and state. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Retrouvez toutes les discothque Marseille et se retrouver dans les plus grandes soires en discothque Marseille. I/41%2BdP4pQaaL._SR600%2C315_PIWhiteStrip%2CBottomLeft%2C0%2C35_PIAmznPrime%2CBottomLeft%2C0%2C-5_PIStarRatingFOURANDHALF%2CBottomLeft%2C360%2C-6_SR600%2C315_ZA(101%20Reviews)%2C445%2C286%2C400%2C400%2Carial%2C12%2C4%2C0%2C0%2C5_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg' alt='Ayn Rand Philosophy Who Needs It Pdfslink' title='Ayn Rand Philosophy Who Needs It Pdfslink' />Why America is to be the Scapegoat for Rev 1. Babylon www. biologicaldiversity. Frutiger Font Free Download. The US is a CORPORATION The CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES provides no Rights for Citizens. The CORPORATION has a Balance Sheet Debt 1. T IOUs 7. 0T Unfunded Liabilities such as Social Security, Medicare, Govt Insured Pensions 7. T Mortgage Mortgage means Death Note SlavesCitizens cannot own Property Derivatives. Liabilities are offset by Assets and maintained in Accounting Ledgers by Traitors Mayors, Governors on CAFRs Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports CAFR is an Edomite play on words Kafir means Infidel, Impious Wretch, Unbeliever, or To Blot Out Mohammadens Quyraish Arabs of Mecca called Christians Kafirs. Citizens have no Rights in CORPORATE AMERICA. Bank Accounts, Retirement Accounts, Homes of Citizens will offset the National Debt with Passports tied to the Debt neat trick eh America Amurru is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god Amar the Canaanite god of the west Ameru means Serpent will become a Debtors Prison, all planned as part of Operation Garden Cain is the Constant Gardener Plot financed by the Iran Contra drugs for weapons program during the Reagan administration. Now you know why FEMA has had annual no bid contracts to turn taxpayer financed military installations into FEMA Concentration Camps and the Border Fence and a Constitution Free Zone surrounds the US, patrolled by armed EPA and Border Patrol Agents of the CORPORATION. The land the US sits on is also valuable. ANWR has over a Trillion Bbls of Oil and a BP owned, taxpayer financed pipeline in place. The Gulf of Mexico has the volume of Mt Everest Est 3 Trillion Bbls under pressure Deep Water Horizon was intentional with a taxpayer financed pipeline system and refineries in place. Bakken Formation has a Trillion Bbls together with Tar Sands in Canada another Trillion Bbls and the Keystone XL Pipeline. Green River Formation in WYO, UT is one of the largest coal deposits in the world. Wyoming, Utah and Montana have thousands of taxpayer financed capped Nat Gas Wells. These assets will be Kept in the Ground. Who wants Keep it in the Ground The Asian Pacific Environmental Network aka TPP Trans pacific Partnership. Why America will default and Corporations and their Lawyers want those assets. Think the US is a Sovereign Nation The Pope says Global Climate Change is real and look who wags its tail. We will pass TPP Paul Ryan, Papal whipping boy and Opus Dei Initiate. Mat 2. 4 2. 8 says Eagles will gather around the Carcase TPP Nations Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunnei, Singapore are Edomite Dictatorships the Eagle is the symbol of EsauEdom and it is Esau who obtains Dominion over the world Gen 2. KJV How to keep it in the ground Ted Koppels Ashkenazi fake Jew KopfKopp meaning Crown or Head new book Lights Out A Nation unprepared Surviving the aftermath. Who will cause the Lights Out Boeings CHAMP Counter electronics High powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project of course. CHAMP means Lights Out and Nazi boy Ted Koppel knows it. A mans foes shall be they of his own household Mat 1. Mic 7 6. CHAMP was tested in Utah Ted Koppels book has 3 chapters dedicated to the Mormons Mormo is one of 7. Satan meaning god of the living dead known for preparing for the Lights Out scenario Blood in the Streets Prophecy may ring a Baal One chapter called Deseret caught my attention. Deseret means Honey Bee. Honey is Soma or Ambrosia, the elixir of the gods. Honey is Bee Vomit where Bee is Chaldean for Word Americas demise is the end of the Sting or ChaldeanEdomite Rigged Game called the Tower of Babel. Beehive StateZion Drones CHAMP is a Global Hawk Drone Hawk is Horus serving the Queen. Magdala means Tower Mary Magdalene the Grail no despite what Mormons claim, Jesus and Mary Magdalene did not have children. The NSA National Spy Agency put their largest Data Collection facility in Salt Lake City so named after the Salt Valley where Slime was used for Mortar in the Tower of Babel Gen 1. The Eagle Gate Gate of Esaus Dominion just south of the Mormon Temple Acts 7 4. God does not dwell in Temples made with hands has an Eagle clutching a Beehive above a Baphomet Star Inverted PentacleGoat of Mendes the Eagle Esau carries the Bees MelissaeBeePriest to Zion where Melchisedek Priests carry on where Jesus, the only Melchisidek Priest failed. Rather than spending eternity in Hell, I suggest spending time in your Prayer Closet one on one with JESUS rather than reading Ted Koppels propaganda. America is set to become the Scapegoat for Rev 1. Babylon has fallen the Messiah Christ who emerges from the ashes will be the Beast not Jesus. The Beast Alternative Messiah will be presented on the largest TV screen in the world, the Ionosphere all planned and financed by the Iran Contra Mormon Mitt Romney laundered the enormous profits through Bain Capital program as Operation Blue Beam by Reagan really Bush Sr and Mikhail Gorbachev. Star Wars may ring a Baal the whole thing was Cold War Bull Shit designed to present Christ to the world. Now you know why the Mormons were simply called the Church of Christ they have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Accepting JESUS into your heart will be a lot easier before the Lights go out why not ask Him for a little help CopticCretan WWIII False Flag Nov 7 Update Charlie Hebdo, fresh off a 1. Billion Euro Government Bailout and portraying Muhammad as homosexual, now pokes fun at the Russian Airliner crash. Charlie Hebdo is Operation Gladio, Yellow Journalism sponsored by the French Govt . Cretans are admitted Liars, Evil Beasts and Slow Bellies Titus 1 1. Coptic is Monophysite meaning Person having the belief Jesus is wither wholly human or wholly divine but not both Orthodox means Having the correct opinion. Jesus the Man is JESUS, wholly Divine and the only source of the New Covenant through the Holy Ghost. Best get this straight in your mind before WWIII begins. Update Nov 4 US Intelligence claims ISIS planted a bomb on Russian airliner. Sure thing, just like they planted Bio hazard cargo on MH 3. MH 1. 7 before shooting it down with a Buc Missile. Nov 3 An ISIL video of the incident was released. First How did they get into position for a video unless they knew the exact position the plane would be destroyedThe position of the video The Gulf of Aqaba, specifically the spot Pharaoh cornered Moses and the Israelites before they crossed the Red Sea on dry land. This stuff would be comical except it will likely lead to the pre planned WWIII and revealing of Lucifer to the world. Nov 2 Noises not indicative of a bomb but not normal for inflight, recorded on CVR before inflight break up. Rather similar in respects to the break up of Space Shuttle Columbia, destroyed using Ionospheric HAARP microwave heaters. Cant happen to airliners AF 4.